
Advoz Mission, Vision, and Values


Advoz provides conflict mediation, restorative practices, and education to transform personal and structural conflicts into constructive actions and resilient relationships.


Advoz envisions an empowered community that engages diversity, embraces differences, and promotes collaboration and justice.

Conflict and crime are inevitable in our community. But they can also be opportunities for positive change.


Respect: We embrace the uniqueness of individuals by being inclusive of race, ethnicity, ability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, beliefs and other differences that often divide us.

Inclusiveness: We commit to strengthen our entire community and cultivate trust and compassion, recognizing the unique strengths of the populations we serve.

Accountability: We take responsibility for our words and actions, expecting the same from participants and partners in our programs.

Integrity: We push ourselves to lead in the applied fields of conflict resolution, restorative justice and peacebuilding.

Empowerment: We encourage all parties involved in a conflict to have a voice and a role in determining outcomes.

Impartial: We govern ourselves and provide services that assure fairness, empathy and neutrality.

Collaborative: We seek partners to build a “conversation centered community” through guided conversation and self-empowerment.

Purposeful: We are motivated by our personal experiences with community, faith and moral convictions to provide constructive and transformative dialogue.